♥ Time for a break.

One week after final exams
Have been enjoying myself since last thursday. Although I come online most of the time since exam ended, but I didn't have the oomph to update my blogie until now. Finally this "Highest Stress Course", quote huijing again, had come to an end, and I really had a lot of fun with my coursemates this year. A short period of time well spent with a bunch of nice nice friends! You guys will definitely be deeply missed. I'm an undergrad now! After this HSC course, we will all do different courses in different universities scattered in different places of the world. The FAQ after pre-u course will be " What course will you be taking next year ? " Hmm. I do have a few plans in mind, but still can't make up my mind. Aiks. Hope my results will be ok and everything will turn out well.
Since I have plenty of time now,I've decided to get myself a job. Went for an interview at D'monte Kindergarten earlier this week and am going to start work TOMORROW :D That is why i'm updating my blog - to keep my readers updated before I "hibernate" for another month ;p Hope it'll be fun dealing with the cute cute kids. This is my first time working and it'd better turn out to be good !
" Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it. "